Sports catamaran regatta around Martinique


Official Suppliers

The world leader and a major economic player based in Marseille, the CMA CGM Group reaches over 160 countries through its network of more than 755 offices, employing more than 29,000 people worldwide (including 4,500 in France).

With 489 vessels, CMA CGM serves more than 420 commercial ports out of 521 worldwide. It is present in all the world's seas with more than 200 maritime services. Thanks to this global presence and its efficient vessels, 15.6 million TEUs were transported last year.

It is like a major French economic player. Indeed, CMA CGM has 6,300 French clients and the Group is the first private employer in Marseille, where it was created in 1978.


The Mutual Fraternal Unit of the Regions (formerly Fraternal Unit of the Robert), UFR, the first Dom mutual was created in 1977 at the initiative of Bertin Saint Croix, in the form of tontine. In 1982, it became a mutual society and then a mutual society in 1994. A dynamic mutual society, it is differentiated from its origins by its proximity action in favor of families on the one hand, and on the other hand, by the quality of service to members. Its concern, to be close to the members, at the request of the latter, it was established in 1988 in Metropole, in Paris then in 1995 in Guadeloupe, in Reunion in 1996 and in Guyane in 2004. She takes care of health records, deaths on a temporary annual basis and in life form.
Mutual Society UFR has its own medical and social platform, which we would like to see the local authorities in the French overseas departments benefit from in order to better meet the needs of the population. As an avant-garde mutual society, the UFR has forged strong partnerships with the most important mutual institutions since 1993.
Its ambition to act for Domains wherever they are is enshrined by the implementation of the territorial continuity between Dom and the Metropolis both in terms of health coverage and welfare by families

Welcome to the Special Works Society. This special works company specializes in specific works and welcomes you to Ducos in Martinique. We carry out trenchless piping installations in the renovation of the existing building. We carry out seismic reinforcement, sinking, drilling, micro piles, restructuring of structures, directional drilling, injection, sprayed concrete application of resins. We also offer our services for waterproofing, maritime and aerobatic work. Our team of professionals intervenes quickly and efficiently and travels throughout Martinique to carry out your work.

Chanflor is a mountain spring water of volcanic origin from the source of Mont-Béni located in the volcanic massifs of the commune of Morne-Rouge. It is one of the purest waters in France; 
The feeding basin is above 500 meters in an area of rainforest that has been historically devoid of human settlement, and no communication is possible with groundwater in the residential and cropping areas below the source. It is also purified by a transit deep in the volcanic massif of the Pitons du Carbet.